Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer's about over & School's about to start!

Hi Everyone!

I am sorry I have been MIA for the last couple of months. It has been a very busy summer at the Club. But, that is not all that has kept me away; I have been rather depressed & unsocial able. I have done everything possible at work to maintain the office and to work very hard at getting a new POS system to work and to be able to get the information that we need, working up to 11 hours OT a week, plus having 5-6 bosses wanting information; I have found out that they want me out - you know in that don't come out and say it way, but make your life a living H type way and blame you for things you have no control over. I am not a quitter! I will not quit until I found another job or they let me go. After all the hard work I have put in since April, I am hoping they just let me go; I need a vacation, which since they considered me "part-time" I did not qualify for. I have been there for 1 year and 5 months without a break, working full time hours for all but maybe 6 months at the beginning. *sigh* I am sorry for my rambling but I am very upset over all this.

I am hoping that in the next few months I will be able to make up some new items for you. I have a lot of new ideas that I am excited about and I can't wait to get started again! I love my crafting time and have missed it very much.

Michelle has a big week in front of her. School starts on Wednesday, she has a good friend from Washington flying in on Tuesday night, and the Anime Convention starts on Friday night! Since I will be stuck in a hotel room for most of the weekend, I am packing up my paints and supplies to work on while we are there. Just in time for the Country Fried Prims monthly launch on the 15th! Although, I am sure I will be listing the new items a few days late. Sorry!

I just want to say in closing Thank You! for your patience and loyalty throughout the craziness of summer and my job!

God Bless, and remember - He never gives you more than you can handle!
